support dancing dreams
Your support of Dancing Dream’s mission allows us to serve medically and physically challenged children in the community each year. Dancing Dreams is a nonprofit program. In order to sustain the program, we rely on donations and grants and ask that our families get involved in fundraising. See additional ways you can support Dancing Dreams.
To donate by credit/debit card or PayPal, please complete the following form.
Dancing Dreams
P.O. Box #604285
Bayside, NY 11360
Donation by check
Our Venmo information is Dancingdreamsny08
Our Zelle information is 516-659-8704
If you choose to donate by check, please mail your donation to:
Donation using Venmo or Zelle
Dancing Dreams Performance Journal
Prior to our spring show, we solicit ads for the performance journal/program. Please consider taking an ad and ask friends, family, health care providers, or businesses you frequent to take an ad. The journal is fully underwritten, so all money raised goes directly to Dancing Dreams.
Dancing Dreams Year End Appeal
At the end of each year, we solicit donations through our Year End Appeal. The funds raised go directly to support our programming. Please consider making a donation to this fundraiser.
School Events
Inquire about fundraisers your children’s schools may hold for local organizations. If they hold such fundraisers, please suggest Dancing Dreams as a beneficiary. You can do the same at the dance schools or other programs your child’s siblings attend.
Check to see if your employer has a matching gifts program for donations. Additionally, many companies now have a social responsibility program. Ask if this is the case at the companies at which you, your spouse, family members, and friends are employed, and present Dancing Dreams as a charity for consideration. We are happy to provide you with any materials you need.